
Best Reject Quotes and Sayings

Here are some best Reject Quotes.

We all get rejected at some point or another, whether it’s on a date or in an application for something. We’ve all been there. It isn’t fun, but there are ways to make the best of rejection and turn it into something positive!

“The light is always stronger than the shadow.”

Victor Hugo

“All that is bright must fade, all that is great must die, so too this earth will pass away.”

John Lydgate

“I am still learning to let go of my shadows and embrace the light.”


“In a world full of dark thoughts, I want to be one who brings more light into it.”


“Never forget what you are or why you’re here. You’re not just fighting for your life but for everyone’s lives in this country and every other country on Earth! Never lose sight of your purpose!”

Captain America

“Shadow cannot exist without Light”


Best Reject Quotes and Sayings To Comfort Us When We Are Denied

“It’s not a rejection of you, but rather a blessing in disguise.”

“Rejection is the first step to success.”

“Don’t let it get you down if someone rejects you – just think about how many people want to be where you are!”

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again until there’s no one left to reject you.”

“The worst thing that could happen is they say ‘no,’ and the best thing that can happen is they say ‘yes.'”

“‘No’ isn’t always a bad word”

Rejection Sayings and Quotes

“Rejection is the other side of fear.”

Anne Katherine

“It’s not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving.”

Rocky Balboa

“The only person who can limit me is myself”


“I’m not afraid to take a risk because I know that I will always be rewarded for taking risks.”


“You’re never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true.”

Christopher Paolini

“what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”

Friedrich Nietzsche


Is your love one-sided or have you been rejected by your crush? It is not easy to overcome rejection in love. But we cannot deny that rejection is a part of life. We need to learn to get mentally strong and tackle our emotions properly rather than running away from them.

Also See: Greed Quotes About Selfishness For Money

It also hurts a lot when we face rejection in friendships or other relationships. Instead of getting offended and ruining the friendship one should try and know the reason for rejection by your friend. Be sensible and have a mature conversation with them.

Also, check our collection of sad friendship quotes and one-sided friendship quotes about broken or lost friendships that mattered to you a lot.

  1. “It hurts because it mattered.”
  2. “Learn to accept rejections.” – Stefy Anto
  3. “People’s rejection can be God’s direction for you.”― Farshad Asl
  4. “Rejection gives you more power to push forward.”- Jeremy Limn
  5. “A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.”- Zig Ziglar

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