
What is a search engine

What is a search engine, examples, types, and uses – Search Engine

What is a Search Engine, Examples of Search Engines, Types of Search Engines, and Uses of Search Engines: A search engine is a means of searching any information on the web or internet. There are millions of websites available on the Internet, on which the user searches to get the available information, the search engine makes this various information easily available.

What is search engine? (What is search engine in hindi)

A search engine is a service that we can access through the Internet. A search engine is a web-based tool or software that helps Internet users to find any information on the WorldWide Web.

It displays a list of web results to the user on the basis of key-phrase through keywords on the search engine. Keywords are those on which we want to get information and the key phrase is the complete sentence related to that information, it is helpful in showing the best match result to Google or all other engines. The search engine in Hindi search engine is called.

What is a search engine The current search engines scan and analyze all the websites available on the Internet and save the useful data available on that website on their servers? The process of search engines doing this is called website crawling.

As soon as a user searches anything on the search engine, the search engine filters the information already kept in its database by scanning the website and displays the information matching the searched information of the user in front of the user and all this. It happens within seconds.

The words written by the user for the search on the search engine are called keywords.

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Examples of What is a search engine

At present we use many search engines, some of which are as follows –

  • Google – What is a search engine Google was started in the year 1997 by American computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google is the most used search engine in the world. Currently, about 63000 searches are done per second in Google and Google has about 92.81% share of the search engine market share. The only reason why Google is so popular is its information database because searching anything in it gives an instant answer.
  • Bing – What is a search engine Bing was started by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in the year 2009. Bing is second only to Google in the list of search engines. Bing ranks second with about 2.38% of the search engine market share. This is a very popular search engine, it was replaced by Microsoft with its old search engine Live Search and MSN search engine.
  • Yahoo – Apart from being a search engine and portal, it is also capable of providing other facilities in which Yahoo Mail is the most popular. Yahoo was founded in 1994 by two Stanford University students, Jerry Young and David Filo, and was renamed Yahoo in 1995, the full name of Yahoo being Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle (Yahoo) . In yahoo, you can search to get information on any topic, apart from this we can also see calendar, finance, gadgets, real estate, mail, music and movies etc.
  • AOL.COM – What is a search engine AOL is an American web portal and online service provider company. AOL search engine is used less in India but there are many Hindi websites available in it and it is a good search engine according to Hindi search. It is considered to have a share of about 0.06% in the search engine market.
  • Yandex – Yandex was started by Arkady Valozh and Arkady Borvsky in 1997. This is Russia’s most popular search engine Yandex has been ranked as the most popular search engine in Russia. Searching any information in Yandex is as easy as in Google. Apart from the search engine, it also gets other features. Its market share in India is only 0.01%.
  • DuckDuckGo Search Engine – DuckDuckGo What is a search engine is a search engine that works to bring various information to the users and protects the privacy of the users. DuckDuckGo was launched in the year 2008 by Gabriel Weinberg. DuckDuckGo has also launched its own app which is available in playstore as DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser. DuckDuckGo is a smaller search engine than Google and Bing, with DuckDuckGo accounting for about 1% of the worldwide search engines, although it has previously performed more than 7.2 billion searches.

Types of Search Engine

What is a search engine Search engines can be mainly divided into three categories which are as follows –

  1. Crawler Based Search Engine
  2. Directories Based Search Engine
  3. Hybrid Search Engine

Crawler Based Search Engine

Crawlers use a spider, crawler, robot, and bot programs to crawl and index new content in the search engine’s database. It has to follow all these rules for converting any website into search result Crawling, Indexing, Calculating Relevancy, and Retrieving results. Google, Bing, Yahoo are prime examples of crawler search engines.

Directory Based Search Engine | What is a search engine

The web directory is known as the subject directory. The directory search engine is given a list of websites by category and a short description of what the website is about. This type of search engine is completely human-driven, in which the owner of the website can submit his/her website in these directories. Yahoo, DMOZ, BOTM are all examples of directory search engines.

Hybrid Search Engine | What is a search engine

The hybrid search engine is a mixture of crawler and directory search engines. The search engine crawler coming in this category shows its results by taking web pages from both the search engine and directory search engine, but at the present hybrid search engine is completely based on the crawler. . Yahoo, Google are examples of hybrid search engines.

search engine usage | What is a search engine

Search engines are used to find various websites related to getting information, finding answers to questions, finding new places, booking flights, trains, buses, etc. In today’s time, the use of search engines has become very widespread, from ticket booking, songs, videos, movies, education, health, agriculture, news, country, abroad, search engines are used to get various information related to Is.

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